Creative Shade Solutions is the exclusive shade vendor for many Florida School Districts. Creating awesome outdoor classrooms / outdoor PE areas / outdoor dining areas etc.
- Manatee County
- Lee County
- Hillsborough County
- From Miami to Panama City
- etc
You can piggy-back off the above contracts for the discounted pricing to save tons of $$$. To piggy-back these contracts will let you go direct to purchasing without having to bid out projects the same as this contract is direct with your school district.
One of Florida’s top commercial shade structure manufacturer and installer:
- Own crews will install – save $$
- Custom build shade structures – save $$
- On time installations
- Know FL building codes and permitting
- Best pricing guarantee
Why not to use out-of-state contractors
- Always use FL contractors – save $$
- slow on warranty issues
- out-of-state contractors very expensive
- out-of-state slow to get permits going
Basketball court Shade Canopies
- We specializes in custom structures for large outdoor area
- We line to call these Mega Span structures
Outdoor classrooms to prevent COVID – will help
- get the kids outside more
- dont let them wear mask all the time
See below – Recent Project Manatee county schools