Why do Shade Sails have Curves (aka Catenary)?

Why do Shade Sails have Curves (aka Catenary)?

Shade sails are a fantastic flexible solution for targeted sun protection, but why do they have curves in the sides? The short answer is that shade sails needs the curves to tension it correctly, would not be shade sails without those curves in the sides. Instead,...

Shade Planning for Florida Schools

Why Should Schools Care About Skin Cancer?  Cancer of the skin is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States and perhaps the most preventable. Melanoma and non-melanoma cancers, including basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer, account for as much as...
Designing Your Shade Structure

Designing Your Shade Structure

Ideally, any one side of a shade sail should not be longer than 40–45 feet. Larger sails up to 70 feet are possible but can be difficult to build and install as they require very large posts and footings. We specializes in custom sizes and oversize sails. Long and...