Tips for Maintaining Your Shade Structure

Tips for Maintaining Your Shade Structure

In order to keep your shade structure in great condition, you’ll need to know how to properly maintain it. The responsibility of maintaining the only thing protecting you from blistering heat and destructive storms may sound a bit intimidating, but rest assured the...

Comparing Materials Used in Shades

When you first start shopping around for shades, you may be surprised by the sheer number of different options available to you. Depending on the look and desired effect, the best material will vary. To help you with making the best choice on shade materials, we’ve...
5 Different Types of Shade Structures and Uses

5 Different Types of Shade Structures and Uses

Shade structures are actually useful for a wide variety of problems, not the least of which is offering shade from the hot sun. In addition to shade, however, shade structures also provide protection from other elements such as rain, snow, sleet and hail. Hail...